David Schowalter & The Stewardship Team

Those who have been to the sanctuary in recent weeks will see that we have successfully lit our beautiful 8th Principle chalice!. We had an excellent stewardship campaign response with this community raising a pledge total of $198,669 from 83 households for the 2023-2024 church year. We also had three member households request payments from their 401k plans, for an additional $12,200. We cannot officially count this latter amount as pledges, because the 401k plans are not under any legal obligation to follow these requests, but experience shows these are reliable. In summary, total pledges and 401 k requests sum to $210,869, essentially matching the campaign goal of $211,000. This compares to $191,623 pledged last year by 86 households. The team sincerely thanks the congregation for its support and the Connections Team for its help with outreach.
Our goal this year was a realistic stretch relative to 2022. We couldn’t be more pleased with the results, but we also want to point out that we continue to need more in order to reduce our dependence on the endowment and create a financially sustainable future for UUCW.
The Stewardship Team
Nancy Baffa
Moira Rouse
Dave Schowalter