Are you ready to party?!!! From your own home, there’s an online party coming your way TONIGHT, February 28 at 7 PM!
Join the Get Out the Vote Team and others from the UUA/UUtheVote for our Good Trouble Congregation celebration: February 28, 7 to 8 PM.
- Join by zoom from your own home or with a friend. REGISTER HERE for the event.
- You are required to select the US congregation you are part of and UUCW is listed at the end of all the MA congregations. A lot of other info is optional.
- After you register for the event, you’ll get TWO EMAILS
- This event is not just for our congregation….representatives from the other 15 Good Trouble Congregations that achieved the goals set by the UUA will be there as well. Let’s have a good showing from UUCW
There will be music and special speakers including the UUA President/Rev. Susan Frederick Gray and a surprise guest.
While joining from home, wear a party hat or pink “pussy” hat and festive clothes. You can add to the decor by having your favorite rally sign in your background!
Please register here to join us online!
If you were one of the 40+ folks at UUCW who wrote a letter or postcard, made a phone call, registered a voter or helped out in any way to get out the vote in 2022, you need to attend this event so that we can all bask in the glow of all that was accomplished by individuals, our congregation, and our national UU the Vote Good Trouble makers that reached over 2 million voters for the 2022 midterm elections.
If you want to lift up the folks at UUCW and other congregations around the country, come enjoy the celebration and see what all the fuss is about…..maybe you’ll be able to join us the next time we have a phonebank or letter writing or postcard project.
Any questions and to RSVP, email Beth via .
Also, If you would like to be added to the Get Out the Vote Team distribution list please Beth know via so you can be in the loop on all our civic engagement and voting rights activities, including monthly zoom planning meetings usually held on the 2nd Thursday of the month.