Choir, your performance Sunday of Something Told the Wild Geese was breathtaking. The harmonies were right on, the intensity of the message was clear, and you told the story beautifully. You continue to amaze me!
We will need two rehearsals next weekend (at 9 and then again 15 minutes after the service ends) to continue to work on Farewell, My Friend, which we will be singing the following weekend which is the last Sunday before Thanksgiving. We will not perform this coming Sunday, except to continue to support the congregation by singing the hymns up front.
I will be meeting with Matt J. and Aaron later this week, to begin designing the Christmas and Christmas Eve services. After the service on Sunday we’ll unveil what the chorus will be working on for those two services*. Please make every effort to begin attending regular rehearsals and performances. The Vesper’s service (on Dec. 18th) is considered one of the high points in the year. We will sing some gorgeous songs, and the audience will be highly appreciative, I’m sure. (BTW, Kudos to our wonderful congregation. You are always so supportive of our efforts!)
Feel free to contact me or just come to our 9 AM rehearsal, if you’re even slightly tempted to try singing with the choir. No previous experience required! Just come and see how it feels to be on the other side. We would be tickled to welcome new members. You won’t regret it!