Now that we are settling into the 2022-2023 school and church year (is there such a thing as settling in?!), The Stewardship Team would like to wrap up October with a combination of explanations and reminders about UUCW’s most important financial activity.
Are you new to UUCW? What is pledging?
A pledge is a promise to make a financial contribution to the church in any given church year. While a few church denominations provide significant financial support to their local churches, it is the other way around for Unitarian Universalists: UUCW is expected to contribute to the Unitarian Universalist Association every year, in addition to supporting its own staff and programs. This support comes primarily from congregational pledges, with a much smaller amount coming from investment income and an even smaller amount from special fundraising events and the offertory plate. The pledge drive is run by the Stewardship Team every spring, and then these funds are given by the pledgers throughout the following church year. Most pledgers provide a monthly check, but lump sum checks and automated withdrawals (see here) are also possible. Of course, a supporter may make or revise a pledge at any time. When putting a pledge payment in the offertory plate, it is important to label it as such.
What is the difference between pledging and being a member?
UUCW regularly holds new member services for induction. A new member is asked to sign the membership book, and to make a pledge (of any amount). It is possible to pledge without being a member.
For current pledgers–Have you caught up with your pledges after summer?
In the days when I relied on my memory (cue audience laughter) to write a check to UUCW every month instead of automated payments, I usually missed our summer pledge checks. But the church still has operating costs during this time. Please remember to add your pledges for July and August to your next pledge check, if you also skipped them.
Join our team!
I am thrilled to announce that Nancy Baffa has just joined the Stewardship Team! This is going to be a very fun pledge year, indeed!
“Fun, asking people for money?” you say.
“You bet!”
We have a fantastic time every year coming up with creative ways to get people excited about the pledge drive and then connecting with the congregation to talk about what UUCW means to them and why they feel good about investing in it.
If you like laughing and being creative, and the financial health of UUCW is important to you, please reach out to one of us to talk about what we do and why we feel passionate about it. We would love to have more joining in.
And the Stewardship Team:
Moira Rouse
Nancy Baffa