Let’s make some more GOOD TROUBLE!
With two weeks before the midterm election, let’s put our efforts towards increasing voter participation. The best way to do that after in-person canvassing, is by phonebanking. All of these are non-partisan and provide training over zoom.
- Make calls to BIPOC communities with Center for Common Ground using their PDI platform
- Sign up here: https://www.centerforcommonground.org/phonebanks#events
- You can make calls on your own if you can’t make one of the phonebanks. Here’s all you need to know.
- Make calls with your community of faith and UU the Vote
- Sign up here: https://www.uuthevote.org/events/
- Make calls with other UUs from around the country
- Make calls locally to help pass Ballot questions 1 and 4 with Mass. Voter Table
- Sign up here: https://actionnetwork.org/campaigns/2022-mvt-phone-banks
- Help make a difference supporting referendums that mesh with our UU values
To qualify as a Good Trouble Congregation, we now have about 400 more calls to be made. Help me chip away at making calls, keep a tally, and let me know how many you make. Let me know how I can support you in this effort.
Help protect our democracy. If ever there was a time to get involved, this is it!
Also, to make sure you’re ready to vote, Devra Goldstein from Worcester Interfaith will be here on Sunday to provide information about Questions 1 and 4 which are in direct alignment with our UU values. You are also invited to vote after church at Stearns Tavern on Mill Street if you are a Worcester registered voter. UUCW is a polling place for early voting on Oct. 28 and 29th. AVOID LONG LINES ON ELECTION DAY AND VOTE EARLY!
For more information about voting this November, go to https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/
Beth Posner-Waldron, Coordinator, UUCW Get Out The Vote Team