With the overall goal of $20,000, 19,500 was raised with more coming in (one congregation had not reported as of Sunday). UUCW raised nearly $1,000.
There were 108 human and 7 canine walkers. At least half were youths. We were blessed with the best weather for walking. And when we returned there were 4 excellent soups, delicious desserts and beverages. The band Hit the Bus provided great entertainment again this year.
To Aaron, for keeping me sane, to volunteer Betty Jenewin for her role of official photographer, to Melissa McKeon, contributing one of her delicious soups, to Cori Henry, Sue Neaz, and Linda Rich baking outstanding desserts, I am so grateful for your kindness.
AND, to all of you who generously contributed to CWS. I also want to recognize those who are new to our congregation, and who have given generously.
As Aaron would say, “you know who you are”!
– Linda Morse