We had a very productive meeting/rehearsal Sunday Morning. Please note the following important rehearsal schedule change that will begin immediately. Instead of meeting on Thursday night, we all agreed that it might make it easier to hold two SHORT rehearsals on Sunday. We will meet first at 9 AM, to warm up and prepare for the 10:30 service. Then, following the service, and a quick cup of coffee in the Hall, we will return for another 1/2 hour rehearsal. We plan to practice whatever is being sung in the service that day at 9:30, and break out new material after the service. This is a work in progress, and we will all share our thoughts after trying this new schedule for a few weeks. ANYONE with a desire to join this small but very enthusiastic group of singers is invited to give us a try. Hope to see you next Sunday at 9 and again at noon(ish).
Deb Bonneau, your humble acting choir director