Ferry Beach is a Go This Year. September 16-18, 2022 – Registration Info Update!

Click the photo to register!

Ferry Beach is a go this year. Woo hoo!! September 16-18, 2022. 

THIS YEAR: ONLINE REGISTRATION!! https://ferrybeach.client.innroad.com/

Please reach out to Maya () or to Ferry Beach (×1 M-F 9-4) directly with questions.

Costs: 2-day retreat (4 meals)

Dorm: – $240 (Includes 4 meals for 1 adult).
Each room in Cottages – $240 (Includes 4 meals for 1 adult).
Cross Cottage – $300 (includes 4 meals for 1 adult).
Metz Cottage – $340 (includes 4 meals for 1 adult).
Camping – $80 (site only, food extra)
RV – $100 (site only, food extra)
Each additional adult is +$60 for 4 meals.
Each additional youth is 9-17 +$50 for 4 meals.

The FB staff are eager to help you sort this out so call ’em up and get it sorted! You can learn a lot more about FB from their website.  www.ferrybeach.org.

Register EARLY so we can fill the joint up and take a little Woo to Maine. Late in the summer, FB will release rooms to others not associated with UUCW or First U.

As the time approaches I’ll email out some info for the weekend including what to bring and what we’ll do. Yes, we will polar plunge. For some of you NOW is the time to begin psyching yourself up for this.

Let me know if you have any questions.

~Maya Desai, Ferry Beach Coordinator ()