by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration
“There is a lovely balance at the heart of our nature: each of us is utterly unique and yet we live in the most intimate kinship with everyone and everything else. Its more profound intention is the awakening of the Great Belonging which embraces everything. Our hunger to belong is the desire to awaken this hidden affinity. Then we know that we are not outsiders cut off from everything, but rather participants at the heart of creation…”
John O’Donohue from Eternal Echoes: Exploring Our Year to Belong
We are excited to open our Religious Exploration program on September 25. Our programming will provide opportunities for people in our community to “awaken this hidden affinity”- whether it be by the subjects we explore, or connection to one another, exploring the Unitarian Universalist religion, or all of the above!
The ways to explore this year have many facets. We are using both Soul Matters thematic programming along with materials offered by the Teaching Tolerance, Teaching Justice publications. As a religious educator in the Unitarian Universalist family, I love to magnify our 7 principles when working with children and youth. Most of our principles point to the fact that Unitarian Universalists are justice- minded people focused on equity and diversity.

We begin the year working with the Soul Matters theme of “belonging”: what is it that makes you feel like you are in the right place, comfortable and confident to be yourself? We hope it is because we ask our RE participants to take action, using the 7 principles as a guide. When we work to honor everyone and their differences, supporting their unique journey and spiritual growth…we create that safe space where people feel like they belong.
This year we will offer the following programs that will allow children to go beyond what they learn in school to stretch them to think in a justice-minded way.
RE OFFERINGS! For More Info Click Here
Morning RE curricula :
We will offer infant through pre-k care in The Childcare Space* (9:50-11:15am) for more info look HERE
- Elementary grades K-4 (10-11:15 am)
Using materials from Soul Matters and Learning Justice curricula, children explore topics such as Belonging, Courage, Vulnerability, Resistance and Creativity. Each week’s gathering includes a chalice lighting, check-in, story, discussion, activity, and closing words. We encourage children to explore their own big questions: Who am I? What do I believe? What do I choose to stand up for in this world? All of our programming aligns with the principles and sources recognized by Unitarian Universalists.
- Grades 5-7 Lessons of Loss and special programming (10-11:15am) (pre- COA class)
- Grades 8 and 9 Breakfast Club (10-11:15am) and OWL (11:45-2:45pm)
*The Childcare Space is formerly known as the nursery.
- Youth Group (6-8pm) Grades 9-12. Sunday evenings 6-8pm.
- Adult RE Exploration- Adult Coming of Age- We never stop growing during our unique journeys. Take time to focus on the person you are today. Planning now on Wednesday evenings 6:30-8pm bi-weekly. We will need a minimum of 10 participants to offer this opportunity. Sign on today!
- If you are interested in learning more about ALL Adult Faith Development opportunities, (Adult: The Lessons of Loss, Sunday Evening Online Adult Faith Development), please click HERE.