At Last… The Holden Crop Walk for Hunger is happening October 16 with no restrictions.This is a family-friendly activity for all ages; and by all means, bring your dog (or cat) for the walk. Participating congregations are St. Mary’s, First Baptist, First Congregational, St. Francis, St. Spyridon Cathedral, Immanuel Lutheran (all in Holden) and us…Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester.
Money raised by this walk supports CWS to help feed, educate, dig wells, promote health, and much more in countries around the globe. It helps refugees relocate safely and is presently working with the people of Ukraine.
On the 25th I will have sign-up/pledge sheets and literature in Fellowship Hall,
and asking for a few volunteers for the day of the walk.
More to come…
– Linda Morse