Did you get your Vote by Mail application postcard? Did you already get your Vote by Mail Ballot? Are you ready to vote either by mail or in person for the September primary?
Applications were sent out a few weeks ago as a postcard to those who had not previously requested Vote by Mail ballots. I received my Vote by Mail Ballot today.
The 2022 primary is coming up on Tuesday, September 6th and if you are a registered Democrat, Republican, or Independent/Unenrolled voter it is important that you exercise your right to vote and make your voice heard. “Unenrolled” voters need to decide which party’s ballot they want when they request their Vote by Mail ballot or vote in person. You can request your Vote by Mail ballot online with this form.
Why would you want a Vote by Mail ballot?
- In order to take your time looking up the candidates running from the comfort of your home and want to decide who to vote for ahead of time.
- In order to vote early by dropping off your ballot at your municipality’s drop box or putting it in the mail ahead of the primary deadline.
- Just in case you are unable to vote in person…folks are still being exposed to Covid-19 and what if you end up being in isolation on Election Day?
If for some reason you did not get an application in the mail, you can download one at Secretary’s of State’s election website www.MailMyBallotMA.com. That webpage has lots of other important information about being an active voter for the September primary and general election in November.
Having a vote by mail ballot does not commit you to voting by mail but makes sure you will have that option when the time comes to vote.
Voting is how we put our values to work and exercise our UU Principle #5.
Beth Posner-Waldron
Coordinator, Get Out the Vote Team/Side With Love Taskforce
References: Secretary of State Elections Division website
Link to vote by mail ballot application: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BdaypLp8Sj30JbfW7PzyN7wLlH1EIijKq1-65wPGhTc/edit#
Link to Secretary of State Election page for Voting by Mail: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleabsentee/absidx.htm
UUCW Get Out The Vote Team