UUMassAction describes its mission as working on social justice “grounded in democracy, powered by hope to overcome injustice”.
Hope and justice are sorely needed this month after the horrendous and heartbreaking mass shootings, fueled by racism and hate and made possible by the easy availability of guns. Likewise, the likely reversal of Roe v Wade, attacks on transgender and LGBTQI rights, and ongoing erosion of civil rights gains for minority voting have caused many of us to wonder where all this is heading. This coming week’s hearings on the Jan 6th insurrection will lay out the embedded web of deceit and corruption which our country has witnessed these last five years.
But the antidote to despair has always been ACTION, and this month UUMassAction has targeted a number of social justice issues to address. Some of these advocacy directives are time-consuming, while others just take a few minutes to call your legislators or sign a petition.
Immigrant justice groups have been formed and do ongoing work both in MA and on the Southern border. More info is included on the link.
On June 15th, there will be an AllI Issues gathering to coordinate numerous events for review and action.
There is also a Mass March for Poor People and Low Wage Earners in Washington, DC on June 15th.
Senate Bill 1348, End of Life Options, needs activists to call legislators to help move the bill along. It currently has 77 percent support from voters.
Finally, the Fair Share Amendment, which would add a 4 percent tax increase on people earning one million dollars annually, needs UU’s to sign.
Beth Posner-Waldron and posse continue their diligent work to encourage minority people to vote by sending letters and postcards to their homes, as well as other advocacy measures. Beth and friends could always use help with this task, as well as donations for postage.
So please take some ACTION this month to help turn the tide of despair into a legacy of Hope and inspiration.
You can get specific information about all these issues by contacting:
There will be no additional work this summer from UU MassAction, but they will resume in the Fall.
Joan McGinn, on behalf of the ">Side With Love Taskforce
GoTV Team Meeting: Get Out the Vote Team will meet by zoom from 6:30-7:30 pm on Thursday, June 16.