In 2020 UUCW contributed $9462.00 to assist families in need in our congregation and community. This money helped pay for homelessness outreach, food, medicine, temporary shelter, utilities, holiday gifts, and transportation. Funds were collected from members and friends of the congregation as well as other communities who partnered with us to provide this outreach. This fund is now empty and has been for the past 4 months due to very high demand this year. During the Winter Holiday season we strive to replenish this fund. There are two ways that we accomplish this. First, the children’s “change for change” collection which had been a weekly ritual during Sunday morning worship gives those attending Sunday morning worship a weekly opportunity to contribute. Because of the pandemic we have foregone in-person collection by the children and have placed a basket on the joys & sorrows table for those who wish to contribute in this manner. Additionally, we invite a special offering during the Holiday services (Solstice – New Years) when we invite you to contribute directly to the fund with one of the envelopes provided. In addition, you may contribute to this effort electronically by visiting https://my.simplegive.com/app/giving/unit90h215 and choosing “Emergency Fund (#4260)” from the Fund drop-down menu. Your contribution makes a huge difference in the lives of the families we serve!