The Welcoming Congregation Committee of First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Chelmsford is hosting our annual Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil on Saturday, November 20, from 6:30pm to approximately 8:30pm.
The service will be virtual, on Zoom, with music, readings, reflection, and the reading of the names.
A link for the service will be posted a few days before on the Web page referenced by the QR code in our flyer.
The link will also be posted on our Transgender Day of Remembrance page at https://www.uuchelmsford.org/day-of-remembrance.html
If you would like to help with the reading of the names, please contact Welcoming@uuchelmsford.org. You will be sent a list, to be recorded (audio or video is fine) and returned by November 12, so we can coordinate the various files.