Self-Care October
It’s self-care month at UUCW for October, 2021! Come join us after coffee hour for the following in-person sessions that focus on caring for your mind, body, and spirit. Each session is presented by a UUCW member and open to all. Time/location: 12-1 PM in the Lounge (with exception of 10/31 when everyone will gather in the parking lot before driving to a nearby hiking location). Questions? Contact Dianne Mann (djmann at charter dot net).
Come breathe, draw, listen, and hike with us!
· Oct. 3 – Meditation with Wendy O’Leary
· Oct. 10 – Zentangle with Ana Gregory
· Oct. 17 – Sound Healing with Karen Stephenson-Sweeney
· Oct. 31 – A Hike in the Woods with Bruce LeShay