Join the GOtV Team with postcard writing to voters of color in Virginia to encourage early voting with info on how to vote. Meet at church on Weds., 10/6, from 10-11:30 AM to do together or you can do them in your own home. We provide the supplies–you provide the energy.

The Get Out the Vote Team is taking part in Reclaim Our Vote (ROV)/Center for Common Ground’s postcard campaign again. We will be sending postcards to people in Virginia who are often the focus of voter suppression to remind them about the importance of voting in their state election and provide instructions for how to vote early. They are electing Governor, Lt. Governor, Atty. General and state delegates (similar to our State Representatives). Contact Beth Posner-Waldron or Vickie Cox-Lanyon directly or Beth via for more information or to sign up to help.
The only skill needed is being able to print or write a few sentences and an address legibly and add some doodles or artwork, if you are able. We have all the materials, including stamps (or you can supply your own stamps–no flags, please, as they can be associated with voter suppression–no dog images, either)
Let’s keep Virginia a voting-rights state and help get out the vote! A large turnout can make a huge impact on the outcome of the election, as we know from November 2020’s general election and January 2021’s special election in Georgia. Whomever gets elected in Virginia gains a platform that can impact future national elections, too, and affect all of us, in a negative or positive way.
Postcards need to go out by October 18. You can read more about the ROV postcard campaign here. Vickie has already ordered the supplies so you do not need to do anything other than help write the cards.
Past elections have shown that the more people who get out to vote can make a big difference in who gets elected. You can make a big difference with just an hour or so of your time. Please join us on 10/6 or grab some postcards to do at home. Call or email Vickie Cox-Lanyon or Beth Posner-Waldron directly to arrange to get your postcards and addresses or email Beth at .