The 8th principle taskforce wants to hear from you about bringing an anti-racist and anti-oppressive commitment to UUCW. Please register to attend one of the upcoming listening sessions. Some sessions will be based on identity for members within the UUCW community. Please contact 8thprinciple@uucworcester.org with any questions.
Listening Sessions:
- Families with children of color*
- Day & time TBD – please email 8thprinciple@uucworcester.org to share your availability
- Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC) individuals
- Sunday, May 23rd @ 12pm – BYO Coffee & Chat
- Outside at church / rain location on zoom
- Sunday, May 23rd @ 12pm – BYO Coffee & Chat
- White identifying individuals
- Tuesday, May 18th @ 7:30pm
- Register in advance for zoom meeting: https://clarku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvceuuqDwqHtdoOvWDcZg-YQ0nHnNcgnkf
- Sunday, May 23rd @ 11:30am
- Register in advance for zoom meeting: https://clarku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEude-tqTkqGt3DYtf1732e0VBfUhEgLYZA
- Tuesday, May 18th @ 7:30pm
For more information on the 8th principle, visit: https://www.8thprincipleuu.org/), as well as this overview of the 8th principle taskforce at UUCW: https://tinyurl.com/uucw8thprinciple. We are additionally seeking feedback via survey as well: http://tinyurl.com/8thprinciplesurvey.