Each year our Church is asked to help support the Interfaith Hospitality Network by pledging $2,000.00 to their mission. As part of our efforts this year, we have created a fundraiser through the Papa Gino’s on West Boylston St., Worcester for 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 10th. It is for this Papa Gino’s only and can be used for take-out or delivery. (They are not yet doing dine-in at Papa Gino’s.) Copies of this flyer will be available at Church over the next several weeks. If you use an on-line ordering system make certain you enter code 19 when ordering.
We hope you are hungry that evening and can help support IHN at the same time. Any questions, contact: Robin Mitzcavitch, Sue Neaz or Dianne Mann.