by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration & Education

I’ve been thinking a lot about this spring that’s upon us. I’m planning gardens, planning curriculum for our outdoor programming at UUCW, and appreciating the early blooming trees. I look at our new frontage at the church, so much potential for spring to appear on top of it with newly forming gardens and promises of green grass. It’s so hopeful. This year, spring has an added layer of hope as I see my friends and family becoming vaccinated.
Vickie Cox-Lanyon and I have been working on a video about the numerous ways folks celebrate the turning of the season. Easter has just passed and often, we Unitarian Universalists are left wondering what exactly we are celebrating here. But I know, we celebrate so many things under the guise of spring.
We celebrate the new green sprouts of the daffodil and the yellow invitation from the forsythia. We celebrate the longer hours of daylight and the warming of the air. We celebrate our roots and the memories of our Easter services at our childhood church or of our Passover Seder. We honor our neighbors who are entering into Ramadan or who have just held a Holi celebration. Earth Day, May Day, Beltane, Ostara, our love of folktales and pagan ritual. We celebrate a lot! We are very adept at being curious and appreciating all the history and traditions.
I love to look at nature, and know that the birds are migrating in and the animals are waking up. There is an air of new beginnings everywhere. Let’s welcome spring together and know that soon we will be in each other’s presence again.
And in honor of National Poetry month, I offer you one of my favorites, “Spring” by Mary Oliver.