The UUCW Health & Safety Team met last week and affirmed its continuing recommendation that the church buildings remain closed through the winter with the exception of Food Pantry operations and worship-related recording activities. The Team also explored ways to invite socially distanced in-person gatherings in the Spring, including Sunday Morning Worship and is researching the purchase of a tent for such purposes. In addition they heard reports from Staff and others related to ongoing efforts to continue to provide support to individuals isolated during the pandemic and plans for more online activities during the winter months.
UUCW has received word from the United Church of Christ which has raised concern about possible hostilities toward liberal religious congregations during the week of the Presidential Inauguration. As a precaution, staff and leaders were notified of this communication and steps have been implemented to increase security at the church. Included in this is to keep doors locked at all times and the recommendation that Staff not occupy offices after dark. We have not received any information of threats locally, however out of an abundance of caution we have implemented this safety plan over the next few days. If anyone is on church property and observes vehicles or individuals of concern, please contact 911 directly and then please contact the minister via the emergency line accessed by calling 508-853-1942, and pressing six (6) when prompted.
Blessings, Rev. Aaron Payson & the Health & Safety Team