The Greater Worcester Humanist meeting on Tuesday, January 12, will feature a talk by Cliff Hakim on “Kindness Matters, Compassion is a Superpower” the theme of his latest book, Walk in My Shoes, the Path to Empathy and Compassion.

Cliff will speak about the dire need for empathy and compassion in our daily lives and in our world today, and why this is so. He will describe what has led him to the belief that kindness is a strength, but that creating a “daily kindness practice” requires much personal work, including the ongoing awareness of one’s own fears and suffering. Using stories from his most recent book, he will illuminate the role of kindness and compassion in our lives, and will invite participants to share some their own stories.
Because Cliff is an artisan and believes that most people are more creatively talented than they may think, he will invite participants to draw their own shoes and as they do so to reflect on the questions: What does it feel like to walk in your own shoes? When have you walked in the shoes of another? (Please bring a pencil and paper to the meeting.)
Cliff Hakim is the author of six books, including the recently published Walk in My Shoes: The Path to Empathy and Compassion (WIMS, 2020), in which he explores through dialogues with over 30 people from many walks of life the importance of compassionate leaders––people who can help us bring this quality to our larger organizations and institutions.
Among those interviewed in the book are Bart Hill, Annette Rafferty, and Jim Welu.
Event Details
Tuesday, January 12th, 2021, at 7 pm
Arrive in Zoom at 6:30 for some virtual networking
For zoom link contact Linda Miller at canoteur725djm at gmail dot com.