Notice of Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester – June 7, 2020

Notice Pursuant to the by-laws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester, the Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester (UUCW) will take place following the service at 11:15 a.m., Sunday, June 7th, 2020 on Zoom.
The meeting is open to all. However, voting is restricted to members of record of the UUCW. This is an important event in the ongoing business and life of our congregation and reflects the principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregation and in society at large.
During this meeting we will vote on the minutes of last year’s annual meeting, the slate of church leaders to be elected, the FY 2021 budget, and other items that will be posted in the Annual Report.
To view the full FY2020-2021 Budget, please Click Here.
To view the FY2020-2021 Summary Budget, please Click Here.
To view the Annual Meeting Agenda please Click Here.
To view the 2019 – 2020 Annual Report, please Click Here.
TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING on ZOOM go to Meeting ID: 384 686 2031. To join by phone dial+1 646 876 9923 and follow the instructions. Password: 864587
This year’s UUCW Annual Meeting will be conducted in remote format using ZOOM. In order to invite the broadest possible attendance, we will be live-streaming the meeting from Fellowship Hall for those who do not have access to technology to participate from home. We will be setting up the hall to maintain personal distancing and ask that all who plan to attend in-person sign up HERE. Those attending the meeting in Fellowship Hall should plan to wear a mask to cover their nose and mouth while in the building. Hand sanitizer will be available as well as copies of the Annual Reports and Budget for use during the meeting.
Debbie Merrill, Clerk
Board of Management, Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester
Ways to Help Rev. Aaron Payson

People are wondering what they can do in these times. I know I do. How can I help? What can I do that is in line with my values, my financial situation, my desire to stay home yet still help? Here are some places to start:
Start Here at Home – at UUCW
Don’t forget to make your pledge if possible. Or make a gift that can be credited to this fiscal year. We will be dealing with lost rental and fundraising income due to the current gathering restrictions. We need to keep our staff, programs and building running even if we are not together. Go to to make a gift for this year or pledge for next year.
If you are interested in helping members of our Community who are struggling, consider contributing an additional amount to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. These funds are used to help people with rent, prescription expense and other vital necessities.
Contribute to the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
There are two ways you can contribute to the Pantry at this time. If you are interested in contributing financially, go to the Loaves & Fishes online donation form.
We are also looking for hygiene supplies that our folks cannot purchase with SNAP. Last month we were able to give a bar of soap to all our clients. If you are able to drop off hygiene supplies, specifically wipes, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and/or deodorant that would be great. The drop-off location is Dianne Mann’s house: 21 Ridgewood Rd. Worcester, MA 01606. There will be a tub at the side porch for any donations. Any questions, contact: Dianne Mann at
Contribute to the Interfaith Hospitality Network Homeless Shelter
IHN is the Shelter that we partner with several times a year. They have many needs right now. This morning they were asking for the hygiene supplies we all need. They, too, have asked for additional money since they are in a position of needing staff to help cover the evening and night shifts that church people were supposed to cover. If you are interested in helping with the IHN Shelter, would like to know what they need, etc. Contact: Robin Mitzcavitch at .
Worcester Mutual Aid
If you are a Facebook user and want to help in specific ways, you may want to get on the Worcester Mutual Aid Facebook Group. There are specific postings here for people who need help. There are a wide variety of questions. Perhaps you will know the answer to a question about unemployment, rental questions, etc. We will all get through this together.
Worcester Mutual Aid Facemask Working Group
We’ve all heard how the people on the front lines do not have enough PPE. There is a large network of sewers out there making masks like crazy. Our own Robin Mitzcavitch is one of them! Perhaps you have fabric, elastic, t-shirts, etc. laying around that you never had time to sew, check into this group or ask Robin how you can help.
It’s tough times folks! Never before have we seen anything like it. I have faith that we will all get through this together. Take care of yourself those around you. If you have any needs, please reach out to me. And, if you have the time and/or money to help others, I encourage you to do that as well.
Rev. Aaron Payson
/ 508-963-5959