The UUCW Health & Safety Team met last month to review plans for the coming months and the onset of colder weather. In short, the Team reiterated its recommendation to the Board that we continue to keep the buildings closed for use by congregational and community groups. The Team remains concerned with the trajectory of the COVID-19 spread in our community and the Commonwealth. In addition, our 70 year old building does not have adequate ventilation, especially in the colder months, to protect any occupants from the spread of the virus. Staff will have access to the offices and will likely be present throughout the week and may make the choice to meet one-on-one with folks as needed. In addition, the Food Pantry will continue to offer emergency food as well as its monthly distribution on the 3rd Saturday, which will remain in the parking lot.
The Team also continued to discuss ways to foster community and increase participation in the variety of programs and activities that are being developed. The Staff and Board are considering options for Spring/Summer Worship and programming including a change in summer schedule to increase the opportunities for programming with the onset of warmer weather. We look forward to being able to worship and provide space for groups to meet outside and are considering the purchase of a large tent to allow for these gatherings in a range of weather conditions.
In addition, the Worship Tech Team has purchased some additional equipment and is on the cusp of being able to rehearse for a return to live streaming in the sanctuary early in the new year as the state of the pandemic allows. The new technology appears to have solved the previous problems we experienced in fall. Here’s hoping we’ll be streaming soon!
Also coming in January will be a host of online opportunities for Adult Faith Development as well as continuing the online opportunities that currently exist including the Open Space Forum FB group, Women’s and Men’s Groups, Book Group, and a host of RE programs for children and youth.
Thank you for continuing to support this congregation with your presence and a host of resources. While we continue to be challenged by pandemic, we are making our way with grace, gratitude and grit.
Blessings, Rev. Aaron Payson & the Health & Safety Team