David Schowalter, UUCW Stewardship Team
Click the link to view UUCW Income, Operating Budget & Expenses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDNHOP1pGiE&feature=youtu.be
A Reminder About Digital Pledging & Offerings
Last spring we heard concerns expressed by our Treasurer and Chair of our Investment Committee related to the economic realities surfacing during the pandemic. We have been deeply gratified and tremendously glad that our fears did not materialize!
We are very aware that many of our members and friends are facing difficult circumstances related to their own financial well-being, whether such is the case from job loss or reductions in fixed income. The Investment Committee expects as much as a 20% reduction in our own investment portfolio in the short-term. The good news is that money from the City for our property across the street on Shore Drive has arrived, and we were able to secure a Payroll Protection Plan loan from Santander Bank. This additional income has helped us during this time of financial uncertainty. In addition, because of the generosity of members and friends, we exceeded both our budgeted goals for pledge income and our Sunday morning offerings!
And yet we know that this continues to be a challenging time for many. If you are unable to fulfill your pledge this year, please contact the our pledge secretary, Margos Stone () so that we can plan our forecasts accordingly.
Current Fiscal Year Pledges, Gifts and Offerings
Many thanks to those of you who continue paying toward your pledge during this time of remote connection. For your convenience we invite you to use our online digital giving program Simplegive for such purposes. You can access this program in two ways. Either visit the Simplegive site directly HERE, and choosing either the “General Donation” or “Pledges for FY2021 – July 2020 to June 2021” option in the “Fund” drop-down menu, or by text-to-give by texting 508-231-5335 and following the instructions on the screen. You can also visit the www.uucworcester.org website and choose donations form the main menu.
FY2021 Budget Update
Pledges = $24,117.50
Property Rental = $455.00
Fundraising = $1,526.14
Other = $272.68
Income Total = $26,371.32
Expense Total = $17,882.50
July – September
Pledges = $45,377.50
Property Rental = $1,435.00
Fundraising = $2,438.21
Other = $675.00
Income Total = $49,925.71
Expense Total = $69,507.59
Budgeted for YTD
Budgeted Pledges = $47,500.00
Budgeted Property Rental = $2,900.00
Budgeted Fundraising = $4,000.00
Budgeted Other = $2,025.00
Budgeted Income Total = $56,425.00
Budgeted Expense Total = $69,490.35
UUCW Stewardship Links
Introduction to Electronic Donations – https://youtu.be/VeQLZfsybxk
Making An Offering – https://www.uucworcester.org/offertory/
Pledging – https://www.uucworcester.org/offertory/pledging/
Social Action Giving –https://www.uucworcester.org/offertory/social-action-giving/