Faith In Action – Side With Love & Get Out The Vote News – October 27, 2020

get out the vote poster

The Side with Love Taskforce has been organizing multiple opportunities for UUCW to put our faith into action. 

Get Out the Vote: Interested in joining others to create change by mobilizing voters? Join the “Get out the Vote” working group to learn how others are dedicating time and resources to this effort. Email Ruth Silver or Beth Posner-Waldron at for more information and visit for upcoming actions with other UUs.

We are all aware how crucial this election is. 

If you can spare just 2 hours in the next 8 days, you will have participated in the outcome of the election. 

You can make a differenceCheck out Make a Difference Table

Ruth Silver and two of her neighbors writing postcards from Reclaim our Vote to communities of color in Texas to encourage them to vote early.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher for the November election.  We want everyone to vote. The organization,  Reclaim Our Vote targets people of color who often aren’t able to vote because their vote is suppressed. We give them the information they need to vote and encourage them to exercise this right”  Ruth Silver

To make a difference, check out Make a Difference Table

For more information contact Ruth Silver or Beth Posner-Waldron at 

If you would like to support our church Get Out The Vote volunteers, please click the button below.

UUCW Anti-Racism Team – Racism in Policing & Schools

Side With Love: Anti-Racism Community Conversation


  • October Anti Racism Community Conversation, Tuesday, October 27th @ 6:30pm

Click here for zoom link

Questions? Email Evan Wilson and Mara Pentlarge at

~Evan Wilson & Mara Pentlarge