The Side with Love Taskforce has been organizing multiple opportunities for UUCW to put our faith into action.
Get Out the Vote: Interested in joining others to create change by mobilizing voters? Join the “Get out the Vote” working group to learn how others are dedicating time and resources to this effort. Email Ruth Silver or Beth Posner-Waldron at for more information and visit for upcoming actions with other UUs.

People of color living in some of the battleground states are having their vote suppressed because of systemic racism. Here’s what it looks like: Voter Suppression. Because this population tends to vote progressive, their vote is being suppressed even more.
Here are 2 ways to provide voting information and encouragement to this population.

1. “I began texting voters with When We All Vote, because I believe all Americans deserve a voice in our government. Unfortunately, many of our citizens of color, young, and poor voters have been disenfranchised. Texting is a way for me to reach out to voters and to encourage them as well as provide information on how and where to vote. Texting is simple and can be done from my phone, and I can reach many voters who feel more comfortable with this mode of communication. Texting is my way of inviting and encouraging those disenfranchised voters to lend their voice to our democracy.” Erin Derr Click Texting with WhenWeAllVote for more information.
2. “one ringy dingy…two ringy dingy”
Check out “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Phonebanking* (But Were Afraid to Ask)”, post it on social media and forward to family, friends, and neighbors.
“Don’t wake up on Election Day wishing you had done more. Right now is our chance to change our nation’s course. But it’s going to take each and every one of us. There’s little time left. Then our opportunity will be gone.” Robert Reich
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by–there’s too much at stake.
Have questions or want more information? Contact Ruth or Beth at
If you would like to support our church Get Out The Vote volunteers, please click the button below.
UUCW Anti-Racism Team – Racism in Policing & Schools
Side With Love: Anti-Racism Community Conversation
SAVE THE DATE for a special Anti-Racism Community Conversation focused on voter suppression within black communities. We’ll watch the documentary “Suppressed: The Fight to Vote” on Tuesday, 10/13 and have a discussion following the 37 minute film. Click here for zoom link
Questions? Email Evan Wilson and Mara Pentlarge at .
~Evan Wilson & Mara Pentlarge