Hey folks,
I’ve been waiting to be able to communicate any clear information on our Ferry Beach (FB) event. I had hoped by now we’d have some sense of certainty about FB, and life in general, but alas…I think we are all in the same boat. FB is optimistic that we can celebrate and retreat there in September and so I think I just need to pass along the information….
Things to know!
- Like last year, it’s Do-It-Yourself registration so call FB and they will be happy to help get things sorted for you. (207) 282-4489 Be sure to clarify the cancellation policy with respect to refunds.
- Costs are similar if not the same as last year. Dorm: $90/night for dorms. Meals: $50-65/Adult, $30-45/Youth (ages 9-17), Under 9 are FREE, based on 4 or 5 Meal Plan. We are sharing space with another church this year (Beverly). They are signing up for a 5 meal plan so if you want a Friday night dinner, just let FB know when you register.
- If you want to know the costs of campsites and/or cabins and/or other accommodations, take a peek at this.
- For light reading…Scope of Use & Facilities Use Agreement
- To view the FB updated response to COVID-19, please visit their website https://www.ferrybeach.org/covid-19.html
- I think it’s fair to say there will be rules and systems in place that will be new to minimize risk and maximize safety. This far out it’s a moving target and I trust you all to get informed as you decide what’s right for you and your family.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Maya Desai. maya dot c dot desai at gmail dot com