The Side with Love Taskforce has been organizing multiple opportunities for UUCW to put our faith into action.
Get Out the Vote: Interested in joining others to create change by mobilizing voters? Join the “Get out the Vote” working group to learn how others are dedicating time and resources to this effort. Email Ruth Silver or Beth Posner-Waldron at for more information and visit for upcoming actions with other UUs.

UUCW #GetOutTheVote Team – Letter Writing Campaign

Carole Howe is shown in this July 28, 2020 photo writing letters for Vote Forward,, an organization that reaches out to traditionally under-represented registered voters who are unlikely to vote to encourage their participation in the November election.
Get Out the Vote was formed as part of the Side with Love Task Force for Social Justice. In addition to letter-writing, members have been phone banking, texting and writing post cards, primariy providng voter education to people of color in high voter-suppression states
Carole says “I am writing letters to voters to help save our democracy, which seems more vulnerable every day.
There is no sense in sitting around complaining. I must DO!
I have been voting for 53 years and still get emotional when I mark that ballot.
I am proud to vote and am reminded of the sacrifices of suffragettes.”

Lynn Gostyla and David Williams along with 6 more church members are working with Vote Forward (, a letter-writing campaign that targets traditionally under-represented voters in swing states encouraging them to get out and vote in November. Church members became involved because the outcome of this election will be one of the most crucial in our lifetime.
Vote forward provides addresses and a template letter with space for volunteers to write a personal note. They do not provide postage. Total letters written so far? 285 letters and counting! The group is anticipating sending at least 3 or 4 times that number.
If you would like to support our church volunteers, either with some upbeat stamps or donations, please click the button below.
Take Action Now to Vote by Mail
Did you get your Vote by Mail application postcard? It is being sent automatically to all Mass. registered voters. We all must vote–UP and DOWN the ballot. We can’t take anything for granted. There’s a lot at stake. During this Covid-19 pandemic, you may not want to have to worry about voting in person.
If for some reason you did not get an application in the mail, you can download one at this website
You must return your application to your city or town clerk to request a vote by mail ballot. Having a vote by mail ballot does not commit you to voting by mail but makes sure you will have that option when the time comes to vote. Here is more information.
Voting is how we put our values to work and exercise our UU Principle #5.
References: and Official 2020 Vote by Mail Application
UUCW Anti Racist Bibliography: An action that emerged from June’s anti racist community conversation was to create a bibliography. This bibliography is aimed to share some of the resources that UUCW members and friends have found meaningful in learning more about anti racism. Click here to see the resources and submit your own.
~Evan Wilson & Mara Pentlarge