Martin Luther King Community Breakfast is on line this year
Monday, January 18, 2021 8:00 am
Free, but donations to the scholarship fund are appreciated
Speaker is Reverend John H. Vaughn, Executive Pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, MLK’s home church.
The program also includes the first Worcester Black History Moment, about William H. Brown, who in 1868 was the first Black man accepted to the Worcester Mechanics Association.
The virtual breakfast program will be available to view at WWW.QCC.EDU/MLK beginning at 8 am Jan 18
So, unlike previous years:
*it doesn’t cost too much
*you don’t have to brave the weather
*you don’t have to get out of the house sooner than you’re used to
*you won’t need to find the right table among 68 tables of 10 in a crowded gymnasium
*but we’ll miss that sense of togetherness as we sing “We Shall Overcome”
I hope you can join us this year. For the full flyer with lots more information, contact Mara Pentlarge at mara dot pentlarge at gmail dot com.